How do I...

Apply for Intradistrict School Choice?

Policy F33-L Intradistrict Choice, K-8, allows students in grades K-8 to attend any of the schools in the Harwood Unified Union School District (Crossett Brook Middle School, Fayston Elementary School, Harwood Union Middle School, Moretown Elementary School, Brookside Primary School, Waitsfield Elementary School, Warren Elementary School), regardless of the town of residence within the school district. 

Full details, including information about applying, can be found on the Intradistrict School Choice page.

Register for PreK?

Find information about registering for PreK on the Universal PreK: Act 166 page.

Register a New Student for 2024-25?

To register a student for 2024-25 (this year), click here.

Register a New Student for 2025-26?

To register a student for 2025-26 (next year), click here.

Sign Up for Texts from the HUUSD?

Rent HUUSD Facilities?

To learn how to Rent HUUSD Facilities, please visit the Rent HUUSD Facilities page.

Request to Fly a Flag?

Requests to fly a flag will be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools. Any application that includes all of the required proposal components and abides by the exclusionary criteria described in policy E18 Flag Requests will be eligible for consideration by the Board.

To submit a request and read the process, click here.

Access the 2024-25 School Calendar?

You can access the 2024-25 School Calendar by clicking here

Access the 2025-26 School Calendar?

You can access NEXT YEAR'S school calendar by clicking here.

Find my Bus Stop?

Find more information about the bus routes on the Bus Routes page. 

Apply to Volunteer?

Find information about volunteering on the Apply to Volunteer page.

Apply for Extended Student Absence?

To apply, you will need to fill out the Extended Student Absence Form. However, we ask that you first read the information on the Extended Student Absence page.

Access the Food and Nutrition Website?

Find the HUUSD Food and Nutrition website at https://sites.google.com/huusd.org/food/home.

Withdraw/Transfer My Student?

To withdraw or transfer a student, please complete the Student Withdrawal/Transfer Information form.

Request a Preferred Name/Pronoun?

HUUSD is committed to fostering a school culture that respects and values all students. 

The Request a Preferred Name/Pronoun page has the details.

Access the Changing Schools/Transition Hub?

The HUUSD Changing Schools Transitions Hub is here.

Find School Health Info?

Find health information on the HUUSD Health site.