Superintendent’s Office

Our Mission

To provide quality educational programs for the children in the Harwood Unified Union School District (HUUSD) in a safe and nurturing environment. Our Central office administrators, school administrators, and school board members work together to ensure that every school and community in HUUSD provides each student with the learning opportunities needed for them to develop their potential and to gain the knowledge, skills, and attributes necessary to be productive citizens.

Our Vision

The Harwood Unified Union School District provides a rigorous, innovative and student-centered educational experience in a welcoming and inclusive environment while ensuring equity, effectiveness, and efficiency. We will partner with our community to achieve our vision for excellence.

Meet Our Staff

Megan Libby

Administrative Assistant [email protected] 802-583-7953

Michael Leichliter

Superintendent [email protected]

Shannon Wisdom

Dir. Innovation, Communication & Enrollment [email protected] 802-583-7952